We now know much more about the importance of a healthy gut for a healthy body and mind. Due to the impact it can have on the body and brain, the gut is termed as the second brain, as we now know that it send messages to the brain and the entire body. A healthy gut is therefore vital for health.
The purpose of food is to provide the body with nutrients to stay healthy and alive.
If we eat when we are in a rush or if we are stressed, it can hinder the digestive process as the body is busy diverting blood into the muscles rather than the digestive system, resulting in poor digestion. Also, if we flood the digestive system with liquid when we are eating, it can weaken the digestive juices, making it more difficult for the body to break down the food.
Eating foods to help your digestive system can help to avoid problems such as constipation, heartburn and IBS.
Basseri RJ, Basseri B, Pimentel M, Chong K, Youdim A, Low K, Hwang L, Soffer E, Chang C and Mathur R (2012) ‘Intestinal methane production in obese individuals in associated with a higher body mass index’, Gastroenterology Hepatology, 8(1), pp. 22-28.
Bibbo S, laniro G, Dore MP, Simonelli C, Newton EE and Cammarota G (2018) ‘Gut microbiota as a driver of inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease’, Mediators of inflammation, 9321643.
NHS (2023) Good foods to help your digestion. Available at https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat- well/digestive-health/good-foods-to-help-your-digestion/ (Accessed on 6 April 2023).